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2:43 Pm On Thanksgiving Day

There is a stillness to the world on Thanksgiving Day

At 2:43 pm on Thursday

Its disorienting how quiet it is outside

The grey sky still, as the trees and the wind collide

There is a stillness to the world on Thanksgiving Day

At 2:43 pm on Thursday

The cars are parked, the streets lay empty

No sound to be heard but the air moving swiftly

There is a stillness to the world on Thanksgiving Day

At 2:43 pm on Thursday

There is no hum of the ac/heating units

Ovens doors open and close, the warmth in full movement

See there is peace to the world on Thanksgiving Day

At 2:43 pm on a Thursday

A peace that reminds us the world can stop

To be together for a few hours, food, family, the lot


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