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Day 41 (The Post Lent Playlist)


He is risen!

Lent is over!

JBJ is listening!

For some of my astute followers, you have picked up that I have not pushed any music yall's way.

For 40 days, JBJ was NOT listening: I gave up music for Lent this year. Well, more accurately, I lazily did not search out for “music that lift[ed] my soul to Christ” per Exodus 40 and willed myself through these 40 days deprived of an all to real attachment.

Though I am human, and did cave at moments to finally give Noah Khan's Stick Season a true listen, I did stick to my main promise: not to listen to music in the car. Given my hectic schedule, this left me severely limited in my time to curate a monthly playlist.

I am happy to report, I found deep solace in the silence that eventually found itself filled with the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the morning and a workday debrief on the back end.

But I also became aware of how we each grasp for things of this earth that fill the silence, that ease the restlessness, that numb us to our circumstances.

I became aware of how music has a way of seeping itself into our consciousness, ultimately having an unwarranted effect on what we think and how we perceive our lives.

I am a sucker for Chelsea Cutler and her, often, deeply depressing songs that get lost in her upbeat sound; however, when you find yourself signing “I Don't Feel Alive” or “No One Hates Me More (Than I Do)” you really stop to think about what it is you are consuming.

I do not think we stop listening to music or artists based on their lyrical content, though there are some we could forgo.

I do think we should all be a bit more aware of what it is we are listening to.

Perhaps a lyric speaks to you at a certain time, or the sound is one you can't escape, makes sense, this is what makes music what it is, yet an attentive ear may just save us both from some feelings that are not really ours.

With that, after 40 days, here is Day 41 — The Post Lent Playlist.

Of course, I think they are worth your time, but here are my five must listens.

  1. I Like Mondays — Taylor Bickett

    1. Something about the way she perfectly captures our flaws, our struggle with grasping God, caffeine's addictive qualities, and our struggles with living in the present speaks volumes.

  2. I.O.U. — Konradsen

    1. I have been a fan of the vocals on Konradsen for years, but can we just sit and enjoy the interlude?

  3. Watchman — Josh Garrels

    1. You gotta love good Christian music: Josh Garrels delivers.

  4. Man on Fire — Luke Bower

    1. He says it all for us both.

  5. It Is What It Is — Abe Parker

    1. Mr. Parker, who hurt you?

Almost Made the Top — 5 Cut

  1. Crowded Room — Olympic Music

  2. Abandoned — Benjamin William Hastings

  3. Dancing With Myself — Maren Morris

  4. Goddess — Laufey

  5. Running — Anna Kornis


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